
SharePoint Look Book - Custom Designs by Sope

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Designed by our Technical Wizards, see how we've transformed SharePoint Online into intelligent digital workplaces, supercharging collaboration and productivity for businesses of all sizes and industries. Discover how we've helped people work better together on SharePoint and Microsoft 365.

Curious about how SharePoint Online can be supercharged? We've got the inspiration you need to start thinking about your next site design!

From home pages to communication sites, knowledge hubs and HR portals - explore the range of examples that will help you envision your business's workplace. To add some extra magic, all the designs include the use of our secret ingredient, the third-party application Sprocket 365, making SharePoint customisation easily possible.

Whether you're new or experienced, our Look Book provides exciting ideas to improve your digital workplace. Download it today for free!

Things you'll learn:

  • Explore potential site ideas such as a Knowledge Hub, Brand Hub, and People Hub for SharePoint Online.
  • Explore new ways to personalise your SharePoint designs to meet your business requirements and use cases.
  • See how you can further customise SharePoint Online with third-party applications, like Sprocket 365.

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