
SharePoint Intranet Design Examples To Get You Inspired

A well-designed intranet is not only more intuitive and user-friendly, but it also allows your employees to take advantage of it's powerful features.

To help you get started creating your own SharePoint site, we’ve put together some of our favourite SharePoint design examples of sites we’ve previously designed for our clients.

In this blog post, we will explore some inspiring SharePoint intranet design examples that showcase how organisations have leveraged the platform to create beautiful and effective digital workplaces.

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What is an Intranet?

An intranet is a tool that employees can use to stay up to date on company news, business documentation and the latest company events. Your intranet is a central hub in your digital workplace, where employees can find all the information they need to work more effectively and efficiently. Therefore, it is essential that your employees find your intranet to be easy-to-use, relevant and packed with engaging content that helps them do their jobs.

Let's explore how a SharePoint can turn your digital workplace into a symphony of beauty and functionality, where every click is a step deeper into a world of stunning design possibilities. Time to get inspired!

SharePoint Online Home Site

A centralised and user-friendly intranet's home page designed to streamline communication and empower employees, making their daily tasks smoother and more productive.

SharePoint Home Site Design Example

What makes this SharePoint site example stand out?

  • Vibrant, well-branded design that creates an excellent first impression, enticing employees to use the intranet
  • Offers easy access to employee benefits, forms, templates, and the staff directory, all facilitated by the use of hero tiles
  • Quick access to frequently used resources and pages streamlines employee workflows
  • The home page spotlights the latest news, keeping the workforce informed and engaged
  • Personalised section for external applications powered by App Launcher and Sprocket 365, enhancing productivity and user convenience
  • The site also impressively highlights unread policies, ensuring users are aware of necessary readings for policy compliance

This design uses Sprocket 365 Web Parts and features.

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Health & Safety Knowledge Base

SafeLink's Knowledge Hub serves as a central location for all essential health and safety information, streamlining access to critical resources and protocols for their employees.

SharePoint Design Examples Document Management Safety Policies

What makes this SharePoint site example stand out?

  • A user-friendly and intuitive interface with a drag and drop tree hierarchical navigation for clear categorisation
  • Hero tiles highlighting most accessed policies and procedures
  • The use of visuals, such as images, infographics, and colour, drawing the eye and engaging the user
  • Frequently accessed documents receive a preview feature, offering time-saving convenience by allowing users to glance at content before accessing the full document
  • Forget the generic look – this Knowledge Hub is all about standing out. Custom branding gives it a unique personality

This design uses the Sprocket 365, Knowledge Hub feature.

Project Management Hub

The Buildwise Project Hub is designed to showcase project-related activities, offering a one-stop destination for teams to access project documents, timelines, updates and stay updated on every facet of the project's journey.

SharePoint design example project management template

What makes this SharePoint site example stand out?

  • A succinct project overview offers a clear understanding of the project's scope
  • Project-specific details are elegantly presented within a vertical panel on the right, providing quick access to vital project information
  • The inclusion of an image gallery vividly depicts the project's evolution, offeringa visual journey through its various stages
  • High-level project milestones are thoughtfully showcased, mapping out the project's progress and steps
  • A dedicated section for comments, encouraging engagement from project members and users

This design uses Sprocket 365 Web Parts and features.

People Directory and Organisation Chart

The Luminary People Hub is a dynamic visualisation of the organisational structure in SharePoint. Leveraging Microsoft 365 capabilities, this org chart functionality provides a comprehensive overview of the company's hierarchy - building understanding and seamless communication across departments and teams.

Staff org chart and people directory in SharePoint design example

What makes this SharePoint site example stand out?

  • The Hub offers an engaging overview of the organisational structure, enabling employees to explore reporting relationships and team connections
  • Employee images and profiles enrich the experience, humanising the organisation and facilitating connections between colleagues
  • Interactive links to departments ensure quick navigation, promoting cross-functional understanding and collaboration
  • A user-friendly directory lets employees search for colleagues by name, title, or department, supercharging information accessibility
  • A visual hierarchy display guides users through the reporting structure, offering a clear view of the entire organisation

This design uses Sprocket 365 People Hub, Web Part.

Human Resources Policy Hub

The Workforce Wizard Policy Hub is a robust repository for essential HR information. The Hub, functioning as a Communication Site offers a centralised source of truth where employees can access, understand and adhere to HR policies and procedures, encouraging compliance and consistency.

SharePoint Design Examples HR policies site template

What makes this SharePoint site example stand out?

  • User-friendly drag-and-drop navigation for easy access to policies and procedures
  • My Read Checklist (Sprocket 365 Web Part), for tracking unread control documents with due dates
  • Quick links and bold hero titles minimise search time for essential content
  • Features like "Copy Link," "Print Page," and "Download PDF" offer users convenient options for sharing and accessing information in their preferred format
  • Key contacts displayed for user support and queries in the knowledge base

This design uses the Sprocket 365, Knowledge Hub feature.

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Marketing Brand Hub

The Buildwise Brand Hub is designed to communication brand information and streamline brand management within the organisation. This Communication site serves as a centralised repository for brand resources, guidelines and news, encouraging brand consistency.

SharePoint Design  Marketing Brand Hub Communication Site

What makes this SharePoint site example stand out?

  • The site's cohesive layout and structured information hierarchy make it effortless for visitors to navigate and locate essential brand resources
  • Streamlined brand approval prompt complements quick links for efficient workflows
  • Attention-grabbing hero tiles spotlight essential brand guidelines remarkably
  • Brand news keeps the team well-informed and up to date, fostering consistent brand understanding
  • FAQs save time, addressing common brand queries, promoting clarity
  • Steps to visualise the marketing approval process, ensuring smooth brand-related activities

This design uses Sprocket 365 Web Parts and features.

People & Culture Communication Site

The People & Culture Collaboration Site is designed to share information, news and updates related to People & Culture. The site design is intended to provide a user-friendly means of sharing information, fostering collaboration and keeping stakeholders informed about the team and broader organisation initiatives.

SharePoint design example People and Culture Collaboration site

What makes this SharePoint site example stand out?

  • A captivating header banner sets the stage, capturing attention and setting the tone for a welcoming experience
  • Clear introduction unveils People & Culture's title and role
  • Evolving news section keeps employees informed about events, policies, and initiatives
  • Direct links to explore the team's structure promote transparency, making it easier to connect with key team members
  • Swift access to shared documents—like policies and resources commonly shared by the People & Culture team
  • Quick connections to People & Culture contacts for seamless communication and collaboration

This design uses Sprocket 365 Web Parts and features.


And there you have it, a showcase of what's possible in SharePoint taking digital workplace design to the next level!

From Home Sites to Knowledge Hubs, SharePoint offers numerous options to build a stunning digital workplace that meets your business's tailored needs.

As you embark on your own SharePoint design journey, whether a seasoned wizard or a novice, these sites are your blank canvas for weaving magic. Transform your visions into vibrant designs, allowing your organisation's unique culture to shine through.

★ Free Download: Sope's SharePoint Look Book

Make your digital workplace beautiful with Sope

Feeling the spark of inspiration or seeking assistance in crafting your dream SharePoint site? At Sope we supercharge Australian businesses using Microsoft 365 and SharePoint, enabling people to work better together. With a focus on enhancing collaboration and productivity, we build tailor-made intranets and digital workplace solutions that turn your visions into reality.

To explore the endless possibilities and learn more about how we can shape your digital landscape, get in touch today. Your dream intranet or digital workplace is just a conversation away!

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SharePoint look book

Get inspired by stunning intranet designs

Explore our SharePoint look book and discover a collection of stunning SharePoint solutions, designed by Sope. Discover the modern experiences you can build with Modern SharePoint in featuring the advanced customisation of SharePoint extension, Sprocket 365. Get inspired and see what's possible for your business!

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